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About us 

Phi Rho Psi services the college and university band, color guard, winter guard, and encompassing communities by providing support and resources. We strive to develop an appreciation for color guard, leadership skills, and the importance of community participation.


Founded in 2009 by 12 members of the Lumberjack Marching Band Color Guard at Stephen F. Austin State University, Phi Rho Psi has crossed over a hundred members into a sorority of service, education and sisterhood. With a shared love of music and performing arts, members of Phi Rho Psi strive to give back to the color guard, winter guard, and marching band communities through service, fundraising, and the bond of sisterhood.

our history

Our values


Phi Rho Psi believes in the ideals of positive, supportive sisterhood. We strive to develop bonds and create a support system for all who need it, believing that through community, anything can be accomplished.​


Being a sister of Phi Rho Psi means being an active member in the sorority as well as the local and national band communities by creating impactful relationships, serving as ambassadors for the guard community, and assisting with fundraiser and outreach efforts.


Phi Rho Psi is dedicated to providing support and resources to college and university band programs, as well as the broader guard community through outreach and support efforts. We are constantly looking for new ways to develop leadership skills, the importance of involvement, and an appreciation for color guard.


mission statement

 Phi Rho Psi is a Co-ed social sorority that has developed the ideals of preserving the arts, participating in community service, promoting sisterhood, and advancement in education and leadership.



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